

February 27, 2023

The compression therapy market (static and dynamic) is expected to experience an annual increase of more than 5% over the period 2023-2028. It is mainly boosted by the increase in long-term hospitalizations (e.g. COVID-19) and obesity worldwide.
In particular, sequential pneumatic compression of the lower limbs helps prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis for immobilized patients.
This type of prevention is quite widely used in North America, even if it is Asia which shows the strongest growth prospects for the next 5 years.
The PHLEBO PRESS DVT-603 is particularly suitable for use in short and long-term hospitalizations. Its design makes it a robust device that can be used 24/7 with an extremely high service rate for at least 4 years of use.

For more information, see the PhleboPressDVT product sheet

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